Joined: December 30, 2012
Posts: 1
Posted: Post subject: The Witcher2 Letho question. WARNING! GARGANTUAN SPOILERS! |
Ok so Im playing through Witcher2 for the second time and Im still impressed with just how awesome a villain Letho is. He pretty much knows everything about Geralt and since Geralt still has amnesia it could be said that he knows Geralt better than he knows himself. Letho is also a master of manipulation and deceived everyone he worked with so he could come out on top. He even kills Sile if you dont save her. He killed King Foltest and King Demavend and weakened Temeria so Nilfgard could set up their invasion. So I guess my question is after everything he did, why in the world would he ask Geralt to spare him before their final battle? I guess he was just trying to get into the players head but who would actually buy his garbage at that point in the game? I mean is there anyone here who would or who did in fact let Letho get off scott free? If so I'd just like to know why. Maybe you could give me a deeper perspective on the story. Sorry for the ridiculous spoilers.